Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Positive Vision Center

SDG Strategico Design Group's Innovative Approach to Ophthalmology Office Design

SDG Strategico Design Group introduces the Positive Vision Center, a pioneering healthcare facility in Mexico that revolutionizes the traditional concept of an ophthalmology office. By integrating the principles of Positive Health and User-Centered Design, the center offers a unique, holistic approach to healthcare, prioritizing patients' overall well-being and transforming the way health and disease are understood.

The Positive Vision Center, the first of its kind in Mexico, is dedicated to transforming how healthcare is practiced and delivered. The center's design is inspired by the concept of Positive Health, which emphasizes six lifestyle factors that promote good health: bodily function, meaningfulness, mental health, daily functioning, participation, and quality of life. By integrating these principles into the design of an ophthalmology center, SDG Strategico Design Group has created a space that encourages a positive outlook towards wellness.

One of the unique features of the Positive Vision Center is its incorporation of biophilic design principles. These principles involve bringing natural elements such as plants and forms into building spaces, supporting cognitive function, physical health, and psychological well-being. The center features over 30 health-promoting plants that naturally purify and improve air quality. The layout is ergonomic, providing patients and doctors with fluidity and unhindered movement through curved lines and emphasized forms.

The Positive Vision Center also boasts a unique feature called the Future Hallway. This space aims to transform patients' minds through information, improving their health and lifestyle. The Future Hallway symbolizes change and transformation, translated through materials such as stainless steel, lighting interventions, and organic forms. Color accents throughout the furniture and decor reflect the Center's corporate identity, communicating trustworthiness, happiness, and vitality.

The design of the Positive Vision Center also prioritizes cleanliness and safety. The use of pure materials such as wood, combined with futuristic details, creates a captivating atmosphere. The design incorporates natural American Encino wood for the walls and furniture, which exudes warmth, enhanced by lush greenery and gentle lighting. To achieve a hygienic composition, stainless steel and Corian have been incorporated into the design. These materials are easy to clean and resist dirt and external contaminants, ensuring that the facility is both visually appealing and easy to maintain.

The Positive Vision Center was awarded Silver in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. The award is a testament to SDG Strategico Design Group's commitment to creating spaces that prioritize the comfort and well-being of all those who visit the Positive Vision Center.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: SDG Strategico Design Group- MBO Arquite
Image Credits: Photographer Alvaro Ochoa
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Montserrat Esparza Designer: Fernanda Arévalo Designer: Alejandra Mexia Graphic designer: Tania Ehrsam Architect: Alvaro Ochoa
Project Name: Positive Vision Center
Project Client: SDG Strategico Design Group- MBO Arquite

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